
Tuesday 9 May 2023

'Epli' by Epli

'Epli' marks the debut self-titled release from Danish duo Tyge Jessen and Oda Dyrnes whose eighteen track offering presents a mind-blowing dissection of sound, concepts and improvisation.

The musical pairing of Tyge Jessen's trumpet alongside Oda Dyrnes' cello presents some fascinating possibilities that are brilliantly explored throughout the release.  We had previously delved into music from Dyrnes as a member of the amazing Crush String Collective and their 'Aeriform' debut from 2022 which we described in our review as an album that "draws from the elegance of neo-classical compositions alongside the innovation of ambient or free jazz".  Epli seem to approach their music in similar ways which makes this release a thrilling companion piece to 'Aeriform'; a release that thrives off of the notion of ultimate musical freedom, Jessen & Dyrnes are unhindered in their expression and bold enough to create with utter sincerity.

Imaginatively, the recording process for 'Epli' finds itself having been split between two locations: the first a studio in Copenhagen while the other half was recorded in St Augustins Church, the latter of which the duo describe as a "sonic oasis".  The dichotomy of the venues lend themselves to just as much intrigue with each location offering their own distinct acoustic intricacies which ultimately Epli's music flourishes from.

Through Epli, Jessen & Dyrnes appear as committed as their music serving as an experience in its own right with the duo ultimately inviting listeners themselves to embrace an active part of the process.  Perhaps with a level of humility, Epli consider their compositions as blank canvases keen to have listeners fill in the gaps inspired by their sonic playgrounds.  I'm reminded of the Plato quote that suggests music gives "wings to the mind [and] flight to the imagination", again, indicative of the sincerity that adorns Epli's music.

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