
Monday 16 November 2020

'Mis sueños son irrenunciables, obstinados, testarudos y resistentes' by Marco Colonna & Noise Of Trouble

'Mis sueños son irrenunciables, obstinados, testarudos y resistentes' is the new album release from Marco Colonna and his Noise of Trouble collective.

Released through the Niafunken record label, the revered Italian musician and producer has unveiled a fantastic record born of unprecedented events.  During these times of face masks, social distancing, quarantines and curfews, the latter part of 2020 still sees the world struggling to get back on its feet and while the arts and music communities continue to suffer tremendously, the new record from Marco Colonna is a shining light and a piece of music that stands tall despite the difficult conditions it was created in.

With consistently varying tags ranging from bass clarinetist, saxophonist, producer, Colonna has released music at a feverish rate over the last few years.  With projects pairing him with guitarist Matias Guerra ('Sin Casa'), his 'improvised folk songs' release with Eugenio Colombo and Alberto Pinton, or his haunting collaboration with pianist Agusti Fernandez for 'Birth of Shapes' Colonna has expertly managed to express the broad diversity of his exceptional talents.  But further than the assortment of these projects are the solo releases that plunge Colonna's style deep into the realms of electronica like 'Scars to Life' or 'Fili'.  

Noise of Trouble, however, serves as a project created as far back as 2009 with Colonna teaming with long-term collaborator, guitarist Luca Corrado and drummer Cristian Lombardi.  With something of an experimental approach to their compositions, the collective can boast more than ten releases and for this album, the core trio of Colonna-Corrado-Lombardi are able to play host to some excellent guests in Roberto Ottaviano (sax), Matteo Scarpettini (percussion), Riccardo Fadda (rapper) and Matias Guerra (guitar).

Marco Colonna has really delivered a project very much in line with Niafunken's bold and eclectic vision for contemporary jazz.  Unrestricted in its approach, the label has been incredibly fortunate to align with similarly like-minded artists like Simona Armenise, Ben Goldberg and Autostoppisti Del Magico Sentiero.

The music on 'Mis sueños son...' is as versatile as you could hope to expect from Colonna & Noise of Trouble.  The otherwordly sonic soundscape of 'Sanza', the playful nature of 'Paperbox' and the sublime beauty of 'Luis' all rank as album highlights.  

You can view this album as protest music or you can view it as hope-filled music.  Songs like 'LockDawn' seem to point towards a world where people aren't bound by the restrictions that a global pandemic subsequently dictates and the renewed hope that a new day - a new dawn - can bring.

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